Wednesday, January 11, 2012

2012 and Touch Wood Rings

 2012.  A new year! 
This very human marking of the passage of time is of no consequence however to the critters or the natural world around us.

The coyotes go about their business with purpose and poise.  

It's a lovely time of year, presenting us with breathtaking skies at sunrise and sunset. 

As we bid the old year Adieu and greet the new year ~ I thought I'd share a sampling of Touch Wood Rings commissioned during 2011.

   Every ring has a story, and a delightful individual or couple attached to it.
The people are what makes our work such a joy.

This set of Touch Wood Rings is Bethlehem Olive wood, 
lined with a bright contrasting wood for inscriptions.

Crossed spiraled inlays of (I kid you not) crushed cinnamon 
(for a very special reason) on Hawaiian Koa 
and her ring is Grayed Maple wood. 

This set is Hawaiian Koa incorporating maple, Purpleheart wood and grayed maple.

Classic Touch Wood Rings; Hawaiian Koa with Grayed Maple

Hawaiian Koa and African Blackwood (Grenadilla)

Hawaiian Koa, juniper heartwood, clear juniper and crushed Jade

Juniper heartwood ring with mahogany inlay bordered by narrow inlays of clear juniper 

Black walnut wood ring with a braided birch bark inlay and birds eye maple liner

Magnolia Wood ring with a braided Juniper heartwood inlay.

Oh, and did I mention the lovely people we have the pleasure of getting to know?
Here are a few of the friends we made this past year ...
 Nick and Lauren

 Matt and Ally

Jonathan and Jessie (I'm writing a separate post about their story ~ coming soon)

 Nicole and Lonnie

 Annalise and Jie

These People are what Touch Wood Rings are all about.
Thanks to all our old friends, and those not yet met,
Brightest blessings in this new year and beyond.