Thursday, October 06, 2011

Happy Anniversary to a couple of old friends

We recently received this most welcome email from old friends; a lovely couple from Ohio who we worked with in 2009.

Melanie writes ...
"While David was making our rings, I don't think I ever told you why we opted for wood instead of metal. Getting married was a big stretch for me - I come from a family with close to a 100% divorce rate (on both sides!), and the whole idea really scared me. I finally decided that we could make it work, but I still balked at getting traditional-looking rings. I wanted our marriage to be different from the other marriages I had been around, and so I wanted our rings to look different, too!

For me, they are a visual symbol of the wonderful marriage we have created, and the hope that our lives together will be filled with happiness and love. Every time I look at my ring, it's like a little reminder that we choose our own destinies. The fact that they were handmade by such wonderful, unique people is just a delightful bonus. We are just coming up on our 2-year anniversary this October, but I'm already planning for a 10-year anniversary wood ring! : ) "

Thanks so much Melanie~ And Happy Anniversary to you and Russell!

Sending our love, as ever
and our warmest wishes for your continued happiness.