Earlier this year we began working with a delightful couple; Jennifer and Kevin from California.
Jennifer had a custom Touch Wood wedding ring made for Kevin and then a little later, because they knew they would be traveling for a few months, they also asked David to create a simpler 'travel' ring for Kevin.
For Kevin's wedding ring, they designed this dark Hawaiian Koa wood ring with an inlay of Ancient Kauri wood bordered by Lava Rock.
"I just wanted to let you know that Jennifer and I got married in September, and I've been loving my ring! We leave for our honeymoon in a couple of weeks (going to New Zealand and Fiji for 2 months!) and I'm looking forward to wearing my travel ring. Thanks again for everything. Hope all is well up north."

I asked Kevin (and Jennifer) if they wouldn't mind me posting his email and their beautiful wedding photo on our blog. His return email was sent from Fiji (bless his heart for writing while they're on their honeymoon) and he tells us they are having a wonderful time ~ heading soon to New Zealand ( home of the Ancient Kauri in Kevin's wedding ring design.)
He says his 'travel' ring is working out great too!
Kevin's Touch Wood 'Travel' ring is Hawaiian Koa wood with a Juniper heartwood liner.

May every day of your honeymoon be another great beginning to a lifetime of happiness together. Enjoy!!
And Thanks so much to you both!