Showing posts with label wood rings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wood rings. Show all posts

Thursday, December 11, 2014

A Wooden Wedding Ring for Tim

It was Spring.  The birds were just returning to the meadow. . .

Working with Tim; a self described '60 year old semi-retiring medical guy', was a lovely experience. Tim was looking to replace his gold wedding band which he explained had outlived it's wear-ability years ago. He was also looking to set a good environmental example for his grand kids. Tim gave David excellent information in terms of sizing and fit, and he was drawn to Juniper heartwood.  Beyond that he gave David artistic license to create something beautiful.

Just the other day we received this lovely warm letter from Tim ~ and a photo of Tim and Ingrid's hands taken at their daughter's wedding.

"Greetings David and Nicola.

Touch Wood Rings
I commissioned a Juniper Heartwood Wedding band from you last year. After I received it in the Spring I started to wear it sparingly because we were prepping the old house to sell, then proceeding with the renovations on the retirement home we moved to. With all that work, I didn't want to risk it harm. I now have the opportunity wear it out to community and events and at Church. The two of us are well worn and inseparable now.

Touch Wood Rings
I'm always delighted to wear it (a perfect fit) and Ingrid is joyed with it too. It is truly a work of art, unique in composition, and announces it's presence in a way that jewelry never can. It's subtle, and reflects light with a warmth that only finely polished wood can. The grain flow and contrast suits my heartwood. So a truly grand and sincere thank you for your composition David.  Kindest regards, Tim."

 Touch Wood Rings

Monday, November 03, 2014

Hawaiian Wood Rings

When we work with folks through the design process I often send emails with mini-showcases of one particular wood to show a range of colour and figure in a wood that someone is considering using in their design.
The 'figure' of a particular piece of wood is, in part, due to its grain and in part due to the cut, or to innate properties of the wood.  Here is a good example of 'figure' in this Walnut wood ring with birds eye maple interior and Koa wood inlay. The Koa in this inlay is highly figured.
I've put together an extended showcase of David's work with Hawaiian woods and primarily Hawaiian Koa wood.

David introduced Koa in his earliest wooden rings.  We have always asked that folks choose this wood mindfully.  The Hawaiian Islands are a unique and fragile ecosystem. The same can be said of our whole planet of course. We treat all the woods we work with as precious. Woods that aren't from our own property or from pruning piles in friends orchards, come primarily from our clients. 

We have a client friend on Hawaii who is an arborist and so we have been the happy recipients of a variety of Hawaiian woods that would otherwise be  landscaping waste, or some other woodworkers treasure.  Such a tiny bit of wood is used in the creation of a Touch Wood ring, that a little goes a long, long way. 

Hawaiian Koa Wood, in my humble opinion, rivals any precious metal for beauty! 

Koa varies from a gold and reddish brown to very dark brown with streaks of black. Finished Koa is lustrous, with beautiful hues of gold, red, and brown. There is tremendous depth to this wood. 

Here's a little Hop-Scotch array of custom designed and hand crafted Touch Wood Rings featuring Hawaiian Koa Wood ~ Enjoy!  

Another Hawaiian wood that I just love for it's figure and depth of colour is Kamani. 
David created this set of rings using Kamani and Hawaiian Kou woods.  Here is a close up of how they began; two uncut boards and a bag of sand.

As always, thanks so much for dropping by.  
We love to hear from you ~ please drop us a line anytime at

Monday, March 22, 2010

Wooden Rings and a song of Spring.

This is where your Touch Wood Rings are 'born'.
It's where we work and live and play. If you haven't already; I invite you to visit our personal blog (The Homestone) for photos David and I take of every season, and the birds and animals who call this place home.
Spring is such a glorious time of year ~ anywhere it occurs ~ I can't resist sharing a few pics with you here, on our wood ring blog! It's Spring on the meadow, Spring on Mackin Pond.

It's the 21st of March and the willows are vibrant! Their reds and oranges and browns bursting with catkins. Here is a tiny Touch Wood Ring (Size 3.5) made of willow with inlays of rosewood and grayed maple. (This willow wood ring was designed by and created for Stephanie.)

It's a beautiful thing ~ this explosion of pussy willows and the return of our feathered friends. Already there are well over a hundred Red Winged Blackbirds and the 'girls' have yet to arrive. The male Blackbirds melodic conversations are mesmerizing.

Surrounded by the ever changing beauty of nature as we are; it would be impossible not to be inspired by it.
Here are a few of David's latest Touch Wood Ring creations.

Rosewood Rings with inlaid quartz, commissioned by and created for Denise and Brent.

Grayed maple wood rings with Australian Blackwood ~ designed by and created for Colin and Leigh.

Dark Hawaiian Koa Wood Rings with Oak inlays.
Australian Red Gum Wood Ring with a Maple wood liner and an inlay of Malachite.
A tapered Juniper heartwood Ring with a Koa Wood Liner and a Grayed Maple Wood ring with Hawaiian Koa inlay.
An African Black Wood ring set with golden koa bordering an inlay of Malachite and Azurite.
While we were away this month visiting family in the Similkameen Valley, David got another large piece of beautiful Juniper heartwood from his brother Sid.

Here is another example of a Touch Wood Ring (for Naomi) made of Juniper heartwood.

And with that, it's time to get back to my emails and all the folks we have the honour and privilege of working with. Thanks for dropping by and thanks for your patience while we took some time away. Till next time ~ be well and enjoy a moment or two of the blackbirds in concert on a little spit we call the island.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Touch Wood and Happy New Year

Welcome to our wooden ring blog on this bright New Years Eve day.

We wish you the very best that life has to offer in 2010 and beyond.

Just for fun; here's a scan of an old family treasure that is pasted in an heirloom autograph book. This is a New Years greeting card from 1873 ~ one of the first greeting cards ever made.

137 years later ~ here we are ~ able to talk to almost anyone from anywhere in an instant! Still with the same warm wishes for a healthy and happy new year.

I want to share a few photos and letters from some folks we've worked with in the last little while. We make so many friends through our work. T'is a wonderful thing.

Jenna and Amanda's Touch Wood Rings created in July 2009:

"The rings were such an important centerpiece to our ceremony. As promised (but long overdue) - here is a nice shot of the rings that you made for Amanda and I, set on our hand-fasting bands. This photo was taken by Blind Photography (Rebecca Hodges and Holleen Lawrence). The hand-fasting bands were woven by my Aunt Connie (Connie Elliott). She's a part of the Contemporary Hand-weavers of Houston guild. Thank you again, we are loving our 'touch wood rings'."
-JennaDavid created a set of braided wood rings in August 2007 and in late November this year we received a lovely email from our old friends Wendy and Marlon.

Hi there Nicola and David We hope you are both well. This is Wendy and Marlon from Golden. You made our beautiful rings for us in 2007. I was just wondering if you had a facebook page? I think it would be a great idea for you to promote your beautiful work on there. I have recently sent a link to your website to all my friends. Our rings are still very beautiful and mean so much to us - one day we may come out to visit you up there in Williams Lake as we have relatives out that way, it would be great to meet you. Take care and kind regards Wendy and Marlon

Here's another recent email from old friends; Clyde and Ashley.

Hello again, I realize it's been more than two years since you've heard from us, but we finally got around to getting engaged (July of 2008), and married last month. It was a pretty long engagement, I suppose. I just wanted to thank you again. I think I may have asked you not to post pictures of our rings so we couldn't have been sneaking a peak ahead of time. Obviously, you can show off our lovely rings now. Thank you for doing what you do. The rings speak a great deal for our general sentiment, and the number of compliments we've received about them is tremendous. Thank you, Clyde and Ashley

This beautiful design was commissioned in November of 09 ~ here is what David wrote after he received his ring.

Hello Nicola and David, We received the ring, and it exceeded our expectations! Maritess and I went to a Thai Vegan restaurant to celebrate the arrival of the ring, and had agreed not to open the package until we arrived at the restaurant. I'm so glad we waited. We loved the presentation of the ring! The ring itself...was beautiful! There are so many details which cannot be picked up by a camera that complete the ring. Thank you very much. It's put a smile on both of our faces, and we will definitely recommend you to others as the first place to look for a ring for this very special time in their lives. Thank you so much! Sincerely, David and Maritess

Thank you so much to everyone who contacts us, thanks to all the folks who work with us and thanks to those who visit our website and blogs and haven't yet been in touch. We look forward to meeting you and welcome the opportunity to work with you in the future.
With our love and our very best wishes!
Happy New Year.
Warmly, Nicola and David.