Showing posts with label BC wood rings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BC wood rings. Show all posts

Monday, September 28, 2015

From a Cedar Log at Whiskey Gulch

In January of this year Peder contacted us saying he would be interested in designing a ring to be made out of a piece of cedar from a full size cedar log that had washed ashore on his family's water front property at Whiskey Gulch near Homer, Alaska.  Peder’s family has owned the land for a long time and decided to never build on it.  Jessica and Peder spend summers there camping and enjoying the beauty!!

Knowing that we like to have a photograph of the folks we're working with, Peder sent a lovely pic of himself and Jessica noting that she's the pretty girl on the left, he's the bearded fellow on the right. : ) 
David and Peder had some back and forthing about how best to cut wood from the log so it that would be workable and beautiful for Jessica's ring.  
After making its journey from Anchorage to William's Lake, in May, David proceeded to craft that chunk of precious log into an inlay with a featured knot on Birch wood. 
 David's initial cuts into Peder's wood showed up some nice workable knots.  
 skipping ahead a bit, here's a pic of Jessica's ring as a work in progress
 and her finished ring .... 
Earlier this month, Peder writes:
I finally gave Jessica the ring and she absolutely loved it! She was totally surprised and completely blown away by the ring, what it was, where it came from, 
the craftsmanship, etc."
And just the other day, this lovely email from Jessica arrived.
"I wanted to reach out and thank you both for helping Peder Reiland create my engagement/wedding ring. It is a perfect reflection of our love and life together. I have attached some photos from the special moment.  Thank you again for helping to create something that means so much."
Thanks so much Peder and Jessica.
David and I wish you both continued happiness and clear, bright Alaskan skies.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Strength, resilience and wisdom

Kirsten and I wrote back and forth for almost 6 months.  She and Norm have been happily married now for a couple of years.  I was thinking about them, and their rings today and Kirsten's lovely positive attitude.   They commissioned David to create their rings from a dark Hawaiian Koa wood with inlays of Lapis Lazuli, Eliat and Turquoise for Kirsten, and Lapis for Norms ring.  
Kirsten was wonderful to work with. 
In September of 2013 she wrote

Dear Nicola and David; 
We excitedly picked up our rings from the post office yesterday.
In anticipation we opened up the package to reveal the most gorgeous pieces of art!! We are so pleased with the final products. The are beautiful!!
Thank you again for all your guidance, patience and support through the design process. The entire experience was filled with such wonderful care and personal touches.
We are thrilled to be able to exchange these rings with each other. They have so much meaning and truly represent what we value in each other; our individuality. The Koa wood symbolizes strength, resilience and wisdom, which we continue to strive for as a couple.
Thank you again so much  

With warmth and gratitude,
And a few months after their 'little big day' as Kirsten described it, she writes:

We both receive wonderful compliments on our gorgeous rings on a daily basis :-)

Thank you again for all your guidance and support through the design and creation of our beautiful rings. 
You and David have become an important part of our love story!!

Our thanks to you Kirsten and Norm, and much love. Wishing you at least one lifetime of happiness together.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

New Year coming. New Beginnings

  from The Celtic Tree Oracle by Liz and Colin Murray

First month of the Celtic Tree calendar: December 24th - January 20th. First consonant of the Ogham alphabet - Beith  Birch gives the essence of truth. It is considered the 'giving tree'.

Apple Wood Ring with braided Birch Bark inlayMaple Wood Ring with Braided Birch Bark inlaySince the dawn of human kind, birch bark has been highly valued and utilized for all manner of things to benefit us 'two legged's'. It is after all, the bark of the giving tree. The birch bark David uses to create his braided inlays is lovingly collected from the ground around the birch trees where we live. Because of the remarkable preservative properties of birch bark, it is possible to use the bark from dead or fallen trees to make all sorts of things.  
Birch Wood Ring with river stone inlayBirch wood is a good hard wood which David jokingly calls hammer handle material.  It's serviceable wood but not especially pretty being without any remarkable grain or figure. Having said that, David can create a beautiful ring from almost any wood and there are lots of ways to include a particular wood without having it be the primary focus of a ring.

Birch trees prefer cool, moist areas, including peat bogs, river banks and lake shores. Birch can be found in larger numbers in cool damp woods and forests were the ground does not dry out for most of the year.

Birch wood is often used for fire wood because it burns well without popping, even when frozen. Birch bark can be easily used to start fires and the bark can also be peeled into thin sheets to make a paper like kindling that can be ignited even with sparks. We don't burn birch or the precious bark.

The birch tree symbolizes a fresh start and can bring courage and determination to those of us who are treading the path of spiritual growth and development for the first time.
Although the birch does appear fragile, it is in fact extremely hardy. This teaches us that in apparent weakness there is often to be found great strength.
The birch also promises new life and love, and is a potent symbol of purification and renewal, which focuses our attention on our potential for the change and on the consideration of new directions and goals to be experienced in our lives.
It teaches the lesson of unselfishness and of caring for the needs of others in ways that help them to flourish of their own accord.


BEGINNINGS are always important, as are the ways we approach any new task. Good preparation and a willingness to lay the ground on which we will build are every bit as valuable as the eventual outcome. The Green Man's wisdom here is specific: make a good start and whatever you are undertaking will end well.  This means paying attention to the moment of inspiration (which the Celts called 'awen') and following this to a satisfactory conclusion.
Birch and Oak Wood Rings with stone inlays 
Traditionally birch was used to drive out evil spirits and return to sanity those who had become mad. Its calendrical association is with the beginnings of the year, and with the sacred festival of Samhain, hence its connection with making a fresh start. The birch is also one of the first trees to flower in the spring.

Wishing our new friends and old friends alike a wonderful new beginning this year!
Sources / Thanks to
Lesson of the Birch. The Wisdom of Trees by Jane Gifford 
Beginnings. The Green Man Oracle by John Matthews and Will Worthington

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Five Rings made of BC woods.

With the arrival of people from all over the world to British Columbia this month ~ I thought it would be fun to feature 5 Touch Wood Rings that incorporate BC woods or have a BC theme.

This set of rings was designed by a BC couple to represent the mountains around Pemberton. The primary wood is beautifully figured Bethlehem Olive wood. Their rings are lined with BC Birch wood.

The photograph above was taken on one of David's small handcrafted boxes. The box is made of reclaimed Bug Killed Pine from our own property. This is the same reclaimed wood that was used in the making of the Richmond Olympic Oval.

Our Juniper heartwood is from the Similkameen Valley of British Columbia. You'll find lots of examples of Touch Wood Rings made of and incorporating Juniper heartwood. Here are two examples.

And below; a BC Apple Wood Ring. This wood also comes from the Similkameen Valley of British Columbia.

Finally, a February sunset over the meadow where Touch Wood Rings are created.
Welcome to British Columbia.