Every day we receive emails from people all over the world. Old friends and new. Every day I am touched and humbled by the loving, caring people who take the time to write to us, (complete strangers at the outset) to inquire about a Touch Wood Ring and to tell us about themselves, their lives and loves. They share their stories with David and I and they put their trust in us. It is a humbling thing.
Yesterday at just before noon we received an email from someone who wrote a long and delightful letter.... I'd like to share what he wrote in the opening remarks of his email ...
"I have admired your rings for years (like 7 years!) and have always wanted a wood wedding ring. Your rings in particular are simply gorgeous. I know a couple people who have had them made from you and they love them. Congratulations on establishing a socially responsible, green, and loving business model! I really admire people that figure out that balance in work and life."
A 2013 Touch Wood Ring
Rosewood Ring with inlays of Live Oak and Sugar Maple

'Namaste' seems the only suitable sign off to this post. And Thank You.