Welcome back . . .

Summer has arrived in the Cariboo-Chilcotin and it's time to share some recently commissioned Touch Wood Rings ~ and a few photos of the diversity of wildflowers around the meadow this time of year. It's a wetter year than we've seen in about a decade. After 3 summers of drought and the wildfires last year, we celebrate every rainfall
and the resulting explosion of wildflowers, mushrooms, mosses and lichens ~ it's a beautiful thing.

These are Jeanette and Robert's Black Walnut wood rings inlaid with sea shells, coral and sea glass that they collected on the shores of the China Sea.

A shot of our Meadow Arinca

Henri's tapered Black Walnut ring inlaid with a center inlay of Koa
with narrow bordering inlays of Maple. With recent congrats to Anne and Henri!

Brandon's Hawaiian Koa wood ring with a three tone juniper heartwood braided inlay. Meredith's braided ring was made a few months earlier and she wrote, "David's craftsmanship and talent added with your personal and warm communication made this experience great. I have rave reviews about Touch Wood - not a single complaint. In fact, everything was a step up from any expectation I had. " Meredith was a ray of sunshine to work with. Another friend made : )

Red Paintbrush on the meadow.
Mitch wanted a ring that really looked like wood showing lots of grain and figure. Dana choose a Darker Koa, Willow and gnarly Birds Eye Maple for Mitch's design.

Another meadow wildflower ... Prairie Smoke aka Old Man's Whiskers

Pyxie Cups (also known as Fairy Cups)
Below are Rob and Kimber's striking Arbutus, Yellow Cedar and Birch Wood Rings.

If you have followed our blog at all, you've heard me say this before but it bears repeating; the people we meet through our work are the most wonderful people! Thank you for coming into our lives.

We have lots of requests from Touch Wood Ring folks who would like to come and visit us here on the meadow. We moving ever closer to realizing our vision of an eco-sanctuary and retreat. It won't be long now till the first of our cabins is ready for visitors and we look forward to it.

Meadow Bunch-berry (above)
and a very special rose petal inlay (below) ...
Till next time ~ thanks for visiting.